Why is Recomaze amazing

How it works

Recomaze is a pioneering, cookieless, AI-driven personalization platform designed to engage and convert your first-time e-commerce visitors


Amazing Features

Designed to increase sales, conversions, and loyalty with AI-driven precision.

AI Personalization

Tailor the shopping experience for every visitor on your site. Unlike traditional methods that rely on cookies or past behavior, our AI analyzes real-time interactions and multiple product variables to provide personalized recommendations instantly.


Engage new visitors right from the start, increasing the chances of conversion and customer loyalty.

Real-Time Data Analysis

Uncover valuable insights into visitor interactions and preferences, in the moment. Instantly adapt product recommendations based on their current mood and browsing behavior.

Dynamic Product Recommendations

Unleash the power of personalized product suggestions that captivate and convert. Elevate engagement and boost the average order value with highly relevant recommendations.

Advanced AIDA Visitors Behaviour

Advanced AIDA Visitors Behaviour Get in-depth details about your visitors’ attention, interest, desire, and action performance indicators without cookies or historical data. Understand how to optimize your site for each stage of the buyer journey.

Interactive Dashboard & Reports

Experience a sleek and intuitive dashboard interface that simplifies data exploration. Dive into insightful reports that provide transparent and actionable analytics at your fingertips.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate our AI recommendation engine with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, or custom stores. Seamlessly implement our solution with minimal development effort, saving you time and resources.

Attribute Maps

Match your product attributes with visitor preferences to pinpoint areas for further personalization.

2-Minute Integration

AI Personalization

Up to 5X Conversion

One-Stop Solution

A single tool for all your needs

Getting started with Recomaze today!

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